

他不像鲁索或孟德斯鸠曾写出严谨的政治哲学的著作,他对政治的论述却是散见于他的文学作品中。其中最有名的为「闺房中的哲学」(La philosophie dans le boudoir)一书。




因此对萨德侯爵而言,专制主义有两种:政治上的专制主义(despotisme public)和个人的专制主义(despotisme privé)。后者即可视为某种形式的「施虐快感」(sadisme)。本文将从「性化」的无政府主义和「脱轨」的乌托邦,这两个角度去分析萨德侯爵以「性」为基础的政治哲学。

This book aims to explore the relationship between politics and sex in Marquis de Sade’s political philosophy. He tried ironically to reduce the complicated political questions into pure sexual relation.

Unlike Rousseau or Montesquieu who have written serious work on political philosophy, Sade ‘s discussions are found in his literature works. ‘La Philosophie dans le Boudoir’ is the most famous one.

For Marquis de Sade, ‘sex’ is one form of politics. From the starting point of ‘sexual’ liberation, ‘anarchism’ and ‘despotism’ are political forms he praised effortlessly.

The special point of his political views are, first of all, under the premise of the legitimation of ‘sex’, he justified all crimes thus committed. Even the unpardonable ‘murder’ fits in the natural law, because Sade’s natural view is destructive, and negative. After justifying all crimes and the necessity of ‘crimes’, there would not be any ‘crimes’ left in the world.

Secondly, there is a tendency of ‘analogy’ in his works, he compared libertine (libertin) to the political dictator, they both reificate (chosifier) people (objects of lewd) and then dominate them as slaves. Sexual relationship is like politics, there are qualities of dominator/dominated in both of them.

Therefore, there are two kinds of despotism, public despotism (despotisme public) and private despotism (despotisme prive). The latter could be seen as a form of ‘sadism’.

This book is going to analyze Marquis de Sade’s ‘sexually’ based political philosophy from two angles, the ‘sexualized’ anarchism and the ‘frantic’ utopian.





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