1948年德国克莱门斯泰迪熊18cm(Clemens Bears)










Clemens所有使用的材料都是最高质量,仅使用符合DIN-Safety-Regulations的低易燃材料。 所有Clemens毛绒玩具的表面都是可以清洗的,在某些情况下甚至整只动物都可机洗,最高可达30°C。

许多泰迪熊被授予“Spiel Gut”标志,这是德国玩具业的知名奖项。儿童和专家测试泰迪熊和动物的材料,设计,工艺,游戏因素,产品和环境安全。



这一切始于1948 年战后的德国,当时汉斯克莱门斯和他的家人从法国阿尔萨斯来到这里。在战争中失去了一切后,汉斯在曼海姆(德国莱茵河谷附近)开了一家小商店,出售玻璃,瓷器和礼品。

但他的顾客一直要求的是Teddy Bears,因为这些在战时很难找到。善良的汉斯决定用旧军用毯子制作泰迪熊来帮助他的顾客。在妹妹的帮助下,手工精心制作了这些泰迪熊。


最终汉斯的儿子彼得接管了这家公司,直到2002年他将Clemens Spieltiere的管理权移交给Ren Lee,以便集中精力为他们的系列开发新的设计和概念。彼得·克莱门斯(Peter Clemens)仍然热爱他的公司,以及各种各样可爱的柔软毛绒和马海毛熊和玩具。

今日的克莱门斯已是备受喜爱和著名的泰迪熊制造商,柔软友好的动物和收藏品级别的泰迪熊温暖了全球许多儿童,成人和收藏家的心。许多限量版马海毛和优质毛绒系列泰迪熊都受到世界各地收藏家的追捧。Clemens Spieltiere非常自豪并且因为生产最高品质的泰迪熊超过65年而享誉全球。

每个Clemens熊都源于原创设计。在生产过程开始之前,对每个设计进行严格评估,以确保生产最好的熊。克莱门斯的每个女裁缝都经过至少六个月的训练,以熟悉泰迪熊熊的复杂性和完美性。成品熊必须通过最终质量检验才能获得Clemens Spieltiere商标。虽然泰迪熊的外观已经改变,但品质依然和当年相同。



A Clemens bear, collectible or soft toy is made to the highest possible standards of quality and safety.

All Clemens products have the red triangle as a symbol which guarantees quality and safety of materials used, unique design and careful workmanship.

All stitched or mounted parts, especially the eyes, are safety locked into place and correspond to severe safety regulations. No products have glued eyes which can be easily detached.

The surface of all Clemens plush toys is washable and in some cases even the whole animal is machine-washable up to 30 °C.

All materials used are of the highest quality.

Many of the teddy bears have been awarded the “Spiel Gut” sign, which is a well-known award in the German toy industry. Children and specialists test the teddies and animals for the materials used, the design, the workmanship, play factor, product and environmental safety.

Clemens – the leading name in quality, safety, comforting teddy bears and amazing mohair collectibles.

History of Clemens Bears

Clemens-Spieltiere is now considered one of the worlds leading teddy bear makers – known for quality, attention to detaiil, safety of its products and collaborations with some of Germany’s best teddy bear desgners.

It all began in 1948 in post-war Germany when Hans Clemens and his family arrived from Alsace, France. Having lost everything in the war, Hans opened a little shop in Mannheim (near the Rhine Valley, Germany) selling glass, porcelain and gifts – but it was Teddy Bears that his customers kept asking for, as these were so hard to find in wartime.

Kind Hans decided to help his customers by making Teddy Bears from old army blankets. With the help of his sister they produced these bears lovingly and individually by hand.

Soon the demand for these bears began to grow and grow, until eventually Hans enlisted his first employees to help. As the economy improved, the business began to flourish and the demand for Clemens bears was at an all-time high! Many other plush game animals were introduced into the range, but the Teddy Bears remained the darling of them all.

During the years that followed, the Clemens’ company grew from strength to strength – owing largely to the enduring popularity, unmistakable style and quality of these lovable bears.

Eventually Hans’ son Peter took over the reins of the business, following fondly in his father’s footsteps until 2002 when he handed over the management of Clemens Spieltiere to Ren Lee in order to concentrate on developing new designs and concepts for their collections. Peter Clemens still keeps a loving eye on his company and its many varied and loveable soft plush and mohair bears and toys.

Today, Clemens is a much loved and renowned teddy bear maker, whose teddy bears, soft friendly animals and collectible teddy bears have warmed the hearts of many children, adults and collectors across the globe.

Collectors are equally enchanted with Clemens brand, and many of the limited edition mohair and superior plush range are much sought by collectors around the world. Clemens Spieltiere are very proud and humbled to have a worldwide reputation for having produced the highest quality teddy bears for over 65 years.

Each Clemens bear is born from an original design. Before the production process begins each design is critically evaluated in order to ensure the very best bear is produced.

Every Clemens bear receives individual attention and each seamstress at Clemens has been trained for a minimum of six months – testament to the complexity and perfection of the bears, each composed of around 20 pieces of plush.

Each part of the bear is sewn together inside out before being assembled. The bears are then sent to the stuffing department to get their final shape; seams are scraped out, the fur is fluffed, the stuffing is properly positioned and wrinkles are smoothed out. The facial expression is then added with an airbrush to draw the snout, eye corners and mouth.

With the addition of the necklet, the bears must pass the final quality inspection to receive the Clemens Spieltiere trademark label. With this, each bear become a part of the long Clemens tradition.

Although the appearance of the bears may have changed, the quality and care in producing a Clemens bear remains the same as it was when Hans Clemens and his sister began the business. Clemens – world famous for amazing and adorable teddy bears.

ドイツ1940’sクレメンス社テディベ18cm(CLEMENS TEDDY BEARS)














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